Recycling paper and valuable metals, using demolished materials onsite for fill and stabilization, mulching waste from site clearing and grubbing for project landscaping—these have been standard Caddell practices for more than 34 years. We also have extensive experience and expertise in environmental permitting and compliance in foreign countries. We have helped our customers expedite resolution of difficult environmental challenges and have maintained an outstanding record and reputation with environmental agencies worldwide.

At Caddell, green building goes beyond a checklist of credits and requirements. Sustainable features are a matter of stewardship as a conscientious global citizen. Caddell is a worldwide pacesetter for environmental design and construction in our projects. Whether building the first-ever LEED-certified building in the entire country of Burundi, Africa, or simply minimizing waste at every jobsite every day, we take great pride in taking care of the earth’s resources. That’s why we often hit marks for LEED and Green Globes even when they are not contractually required. Caddell was practicing sustainable design and construction long before it gained industry prominence, because to us, it just makes sense.